Friday, December 27, 2019
Karma Upon Death by Scrabble - 960 Words
Tyrone Gibson Mr.Borrelli Sunday, July 7, 2013 Karma Upon Death By Scrabble Karma. What is karma? Is it a part of life? Is it what helps us make decisions? Or is it the balance of life and everyone living in it? In Charlie Fish’s story Death By Scrabble karma is the main theme. This fictional story is about a husband and his wife playing Scrabble, a game in which players earn points for the words made by them with available letters. The story narrates how the words in the game reflect the practical life of the†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"I don’t believe it- it can’t be Tilo 3 a coincidence. The letters made it happen. I played the word explodes...and the air conditioning unit exploded†(page 3) with this mindset of the husband he reveals the irony and the reality in the story for the reader. A big part of irony in the story is how his cousin â€Å"Harold swallowed a bee when he was nine, his throat swelled up and he died.†(page 1) Then towards the end of the story he chokes on a â€Å"b†just like his cousin and dies. The greatest irony in the story is the fact that throughout the whole time the husband is playing scrabble trying to figure out which words he can spell out to kill his wife, but what he doesn’t know is that his wife is playing the same game. And ironically she ends up winning. Irony in this story best illustrates Karma. Finally the use of these literary terms helped create the theme of this story. The suspense kept the reader wanting to know what will happen to the wife. will he kill her? Foreshadowing in this story is also another huge part in showing karma, when heShow MoreRelatedAlcohol and Spiritual Deadlock--John Berryman Essay2633 Words  | 11 Pageshis introduction to John Berrymans unfinished work Recovery, about his efforts to recover from alcoholism, Saul Bellows asserts that the act of writing poetry killed Berryman, and alcohol helped fuel the writing process: Inspiration contained a death threat. He would, as he wrote the things he waited and prayed for, fall apart, (Recovery xii). During his career as a poet, he was diseased with alcoholism and suffered from extreme lapses of anxiety. Berryman wrote a majority of the Dream Songs
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Essay on Measuring Customer Satisfaction in Government...
Being in the government sector the research for customer satisfaction was focused on governmental agencies and the aspects associated with those agencies. Most citizens have a preconceived idea about government agencies and I wanted to see if those preconceived ideas were based on real experiences. This was done by researching and finding results either supporting or contradicting this notion. According to Tom Schoop the government does as well as any big company as far as customer satisfaction. (Schoop 2006) I work for a contractor, ResCare that is assigned by the Dallas County Texas Workforce Board to operate the Dallas County Workforce Centers and run the associated state and federal programs assigned to the Dallas County Workforce†¦show more content†¦This was best illustrated with the failure of the Healthcare Act’s website’s inability to handle this increasing demand. (ACSI Federal Government Report 2013, 2014) The best way for the federal government to a ddress these customer issues is improve access to the websites. Encourage agencies to communicate with the customer and learn accessing behaviors and functions that would increase the ability to access the website efficiently. The second area is in the state of Texas’ customer satisfaction with the Texas Workforce Commission. As mentioned previously, the recipients of unemployment benefits (UI) have only two options to access their benefits or their profiles as well as file claims. The 1-800 phone number or through the Texas Workforce Commission’s (TWC) website. This area I have over three years’ experience and have observed customer’s reactions as well as read customer surveys. This has increased confusion in older and first-time recipients. Many of the older recipients received UI benefits previously when they would visit a TWC office to file their claim and receive benefits. This has all been move to the phone or the Internet so they require additional assistance where it was not needed previously. This creates confusion and further irritates the customer when they arrive at the Workforce Center expecting the same and find out about theShow MoreRelatedCases of Multiple Provid ers of Agricultural Extension Service in Bangladesh833 Words  | 3 Pages1.2 Agricultural Extension System: the Bangladesh case In Bangladesh a multitude of agencies from private and public origin offer extension support to the farmers (ASIRP, 2006). Although recent years witness a noticeable change in agricultural extension service providers, the public institutions still remain the dominant. The new entrants to the field include non-governmental organizations (NGOs), the private sector agribusiness enterprises and grass-root institutions eg. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Pharmacology for Medical and Biological Research -myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about thePharmacology for Medical and Biological Research. Answer: Responsible for Ang II generation Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) generates the production of Angiotensin II (Ang II) that mediates the renin-angiotensin-system (RAS) effects in the body (Becari et al., 2011). On the other hand, Elastase-2 (ELA-2) which is a chymotrypsin-serine protease elastase family member 2A alternatively generates the production of Ang II in the arteries of rats. RAS activation is accelerated after myocardial infarction, however the mechanisms are unknown that lead to Ang II generaton in resistance arteries (Ahmad et al., 2011). Therefore, the paper by Becari et al., (2017) deals with the study of Elastase-2 (ELA-2) activity contributing to increased Angiotensin II (Ang II) formation in resistant arteries and modulation of cardiac function after myocardial infarction (MI). They hypothesized that ELA-2 is responsible for the generation of Ang II and leads to cardiac damage in mice and MI. The result studies showed the first evidence for the hypothesis that ELA-2 is responsible for the formati on of Ang II in the resistance arteries that is modulated to cardiac function after MI. This illustrates that ELA-2 is responsible for the ACE-independent dysregulation of RAS. Techniques used Genotyping The tail tissue genomic DNA was obtained and amplification of the target gene by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). Myocardial infarction was induced by ventral midline skin incision. They were killed by Carbon dioxide (CO2) inhalation after 4 weeks of MI surgery. Echocardiography Fractional shortening and ejection fraction was calculated for the systolic function of left ventricle (LV). Histology Mesenteric arterial bed removal was done and heart was harvested to calculate the infarct size and heart sections were analysed by video microscopy software Leica Qwin. Randomization, group size or blinding Randomization was done to MI or sham surgery in groups; sham WT, ELA-2 KO and MI ELA-2 KO through six independent experiments and data was analysed. Statistical analysis and normalization Log transformation was done to analyse the Ang I and Ang II concentration effect curves and data was analysed through nonlinear regression. Maximum contractile and PD2 values were obtained and two-way ANOVA was done for the statistical analysis. (Table 1- techniques used) Results: Echocardiographic analysis The heart images showed that in WT animals, there was a significantly large LV diameter than ELA-2 KO mice during the events of diastole and systole (4.1 0.03 vs. 3.7 0.07 mm, P 0.05, respectively).This reduction of LV diameter was not observed in infracted mice. The assessment of cardiac function showed that there was decrease in MI and in the ejection fraction in both the strains of infracted and ELA-KO mice. Sham-ELA-2 KO mice showed a lower stroke volume and cardiac output as compared to WT mice. There was decreased cardiac output and stroke volume in WT mice as compared to ELA-2 KO mice. Uehara et al., (2013) also studied that Ang II is activated by RAS as the final physiological product and strong vasopressor that promote tissue remodelling in heart. This mechanism for cardiovascular remodelling is not known that can be helpful in inhibiting the Ang II formation and for the prevention of cardiovascular remodelling (Groutas, Dou Alliston, 2011). ELA-2 is functional in resistance arteries of mice To confirm the functional analysis of ELA-2 in resistance mice arteries, ELA-2 KP mice were induced by chymostatin and no responses were obtained. However, there was significant attenuation of Ang I-induced maximal response in sham-WT mice. There was a rightward-shift of the concentration curve of Ang I due to chymostatin induction. This data clearly illustrated that Ang II generation was induced by serine proteases in resistance mesenteric arteries of mice and in turn, ELA-2 is the major driving reason for the generation of Ang-II enzyme in the arteries. ELA-2 contribution to Ang-I in mesenteric resistance arteries of mice to MI To confirm the ELA-2 contribution to Ang-I, Ang II and Ang I concentration curves were subjected to MI or sham-surgery. The concentration response curve shifted to left of Ang I with maximum effect in WT mice mesenteric arteries. There was also significant increase in the concentration of Ang I in WT mice as compared sham-Wt mice. This data confirmed that MI is strongly associated with increased RAS activation. Therefore, this paper provided the first evidence for the ELA-2 responsible for Ang II increased activity in mesenteric resistance arteries upon MI. Ang I conversion to Ang II by ACE subjected to MI There was rightward-shift in Ang I concentration response curves of mesenteric arteries when subjected Captopril. In ELA-2 KO mice, there was ACE-independent dysregulation of RAS in MI and it might be in other cardiovascular diseases. There is RAS hyperactivity associated with heart failure and there was significant increase in the RAS expression levels due to MI including myocardium (Santos et al., 2013). In a study conducted by Becari, Oliveira Salgado, (2011) showed that cardiac changes in infracted mice was similar to humans that highlights the importance of ELA-2 as the driving factor for Ang I generation at an increased level. The significance of the study is that the mechanism through which Ang II is converted from Ang I and synthesized in human tissues can be helpful in the pharmacology in inhibiting local Ang II formation and further MI (Thatcher et al., 2014). Therefore, this elucidation of ELA-2 being the contributor to the Ang II formation can be a great strategy for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and remodelling as in MI. From the above-obtained results, it can be inferred that ELA-2 is the contributor to vascular Ang II increased formation. It may also contribute to the cardiac dysfunctioning after MI. This implies that ELA-2 enzyme is the key player in the ACE-independent RAS dysregulation. This study confirmed that there is increased RAS activation in vascular beds as there was augmented Ang-1 induction in resistance arteries of sham-mice to MI. This is the first evidence provided by this study where MI did not affect the Ang I contractile responses that increased the generation of Ang-II upon MI. There is also significant cardiac sympathovagal balance dysregulation in ELA-2 KO mice along with increased parasympathetic and decreased sympathetic modulation. There was low cardiac output, heart rate, reduced LV and stroke volume that are interesting findings of this study adding to the existing knowledge of overall systemic or autonomic dysregulation in mesenteric nerves. This data indicated that ELA- 2 plays the pivotal role in the peripheral resistance and basal cardiac function. References Ahmad, S., Simmons, T., Varagic, J., Moniwa, N., Chappell, M. C., Ferrario, C. M. (2011). Chymase-dependent generation of angiotensin II from angiotensin-(1-12) in human atrial tissue.PloS one,6(12), e28501. Becari, C., Oliveira, E. B., Salgado, M. C. O. (2011). Alternative pathways for angiotensin II generation in the cardiovascular system.Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research,44(9), 914-919. Becari, C., Silva, M. A., Durand, M. T., Prado, C. M., Oliveira, E. B., Ribeiro, M. S., ... Tostes, R. C. (2017). Elastase?2, an angiotensin II?generating enzyme, contributes to increased angiotensin II in resistance arteries of mice with myocardial infarction. British Journal of Pharmacology, 174(10), 1104-1115. Becari, C., Teixeira, F. R., Oliveira, E. B., Salgado, M. C. O. (2011). Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition augments the expression of rat elastase-2, an angiotensin II-forming enzyme.American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology,301(2), H565-H570. Groutas, W. C., Dou, D., Alliston, K. R. (2011). Neutrophil elastase inhibitors.Expert opinion on therapeutic patents,21(3), 339-354. Santos, R. A., Ferreira, A. J., Verano-Braga, T., Bader, M. (2013). Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2, angiotensin-(17) and Mas: new players of the reninangiotensin system.Journal of Endocrinology,216(2), R1-R17. Thatcher, S. E., Zhang, X., Howatt, D. A., Yiannikouris, F., Gurley, S. B., Ennis, T., ... Cassis, L. A. (2014). Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme 2 Decreases Formation and Severity of Angiotensin IIInduced Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms.Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology, ATVBAHA-114. Uehara, Y., Miura, S. I., Yahiro, E., Saku, K. (2013). Non-ACE pathway-induced angiotensin II production. Current pharmaceutical design, 19(17), 3054-3059.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Return Essays - Thomas Hardy, The Return Of The Native, Egdon Heath
Return Of The Native The novel, The Return of the Native, explores the clash between the inevitable social change and a traditional way of life. Set in imaginary landscape of Wessex, the story concerns Eustacia Vye, Mrs Yeobright, Thomasin, and Damon Wildeve - and how Clym Yeobright, the returning native of the title, affects each of their destinies, an his own. The brooding menace of Egdon Heath in Dorsetshire opens Hardy's novel of tragic passion. Eustacia Vye, willful and longing for the excitement of city life, awaits her lover on the forbidding moor. She married Clym Yeobright, newly returned from Paris, thinking he would take her there, but Clym is content as the country schoolmaster. With her dreams thwarted and confused circumstances that lead her to believe she has caused the death of Clym's mother, not even her affair with reckless Damon Wildeve can keep her from sinking into the despair that leads to her death by drowning. Once again Hardy creates a masterful net of destiny from which his tragic characters cannot escape. Clym affected each of their lives in a different way. Before returning to Wessex, Thomasin was going to marry Wildeve. But Wildeve and Eustacia secretly liked each other. Mrs. Yeobright wanted Thomasin to marry Clym when he returned. But Thomasin liked Wildeve. So when Clym returned, he fell in love with Eustacia. She also loved Clym, and persuaded Wildeve to marry Thomasin. Then Eustacia and Clym got married. Mrs. Yeobright did not approve of any of these marriages. After a while, Clym's eyesight grew weaker and weaker until he was force to become a spur's cutter. This made Eustacia mad because she thought she would never see Paris now. Suddenly, the feelings Eustacia and Wildeve had for one another grew stronger, and they began seeing each other again. All the while, Tomasin was feeling lonely. Her husband was not spending any time with her. Mrs. Yeobright felt as if she was being cast off by her son. When she went to visit him, but no one would let her in. She died on her way home. Rumors went around that Eustacia would let her in because she had a man in the house with her. So Eustacia left Clym, and went to her grandfather's house. She and Wildeve later decide to run away with each. But before they could live happily ever after together, they died. So in the end, if he had not returned, things may have turned out different. Cylm and Thomasin would have gotten married, and they and Mrs. Yeobright would have moved to Paris. Eustacia and Wild eve Would have also gotten married. The Return of the Native, by Thomas Hardy, achieves the intensity of classical Greek tragedy in its depiction of a pitiable human struggle against relentless fate. The author's somber view of human existence is expressed both in the superb opening description of Egdon Heath and in the tragic lives of Clym Yeobright, the returned native of the heath, his cousin Thomasin, Damon Wildeve, his mother Mrs. Yeobright, and Eustacia
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