Tuesday, May 26, 2020
What is Emotional Abuse - 1154 Words
Emotional abuse refers to a pattern of behavior of the caregivers or parents, which interferes the cognitive, psychological, emotional as well as social development of the child in a serious or severe manner. Emotional child abuse therefore refers to a persistent and severe ill handling or treatment of the child by the caregiver or parent. Emotional abuse may be the only form of mental challenger the child is suffering from or it may be a combination of many other effects or child neglect. This may lead to devastating or long-lasting effects on the mental health and development of the child. The emotional abuse of the child is also termed as the psychological maltreatment, which is reflected in several ways. Emotional child abuse may be in form of ignoring where the caregiver or parent of the child may not be present or available to respond to the needs of the child both psychologically and emotionally. This happens if the caregiver or parents do not look after the child or failing t o call them by name. This can also be in the form of rejection which is characterized by an active refusal to react or respond to the needs of the child for instance ridicule of the child or refusal to touch them as well as denial of their needs. Emotional abuse can also be manifested in the form of isolation where the child is denied social interactions with their fellow peers, family members or adults by the parent or caregiver. This aspect of isolation also includes the limitation of theShow MoreRelatedEmotional Abuse And Its Effects On A Person Essay949 Words  | 4 Pages Emotional abuse is defined by its devastating effects on a person. It is seen in the forms of domestic abuse, bullying, and child abuse. Research shows how someone who has been emotionally abused develops personality disorders, has low self-esteem, and even has suicidal thoughts. Although there has been research that provides a general idea of emotional abuse and its effects, the research should take a deeper look at how the smallest details affect someone. My position differs from those who claimRead MoreEffects of Emotional Abuse Essay example1460 Words  | 6 Pagesyear more cases of Emotional abuse go unreported because the majority of people experiencing emotional abuse are not aware that it is happening. I was one of these people years ago; it took some caring friends to get me to see what was going on. In the following paragraphs I will touch on ways one can tell they are being emotionally abused, and ways to get help. While Undefined, Emotional abuse affects more people each day because they do not know that they are being abused. Abuse is any behaviorRead MoreBringing Emotional Abuse To The Forefront. No Relationship1011 Words  | 5 PagesBringing Emotional Abuse to the Forefront No relationship will ever be perfect, but that does not mean you should settle for one that is toxic and degrading. However, according to National Domestic Violence Hotline, 1 in 3 adolescents in the United States have experienced at least one type of abuse from their romantic partner. Evidently, this shows that people still continue to engage in these unhealthy relationships. Perhaps what is even further alarming is that the majority of the abused refrainRead MoreVerbal Emotional And Emotional Abuse1486 Words  | 6 Pagesalone, there are many people on a daily basis who suffer from verbal-emotional abuse. In today’s society too many of our children live in homes where they face verbal-emotional abuse on a regular basis. In this paper we will discuss what verbal emotional abuse is, why so many children face verbal-emotional abuse and how to tell what the signs of verbal emotional abuse are in order to assist a child in need. Verbal emotional abuse is defined in many ways because there are so many underlying meaningsRead MoreEmotional And Emotional Domestic Violence993 Words  | 4 PagesEmotional Domestic Violence Eric Easter American Military University â€Æ' Emotional Domestic Violence Abstract Emotional abuse includes non-physical behaviors like threats, insults, constant observance or checking in,†excessive texting, humiliation, intimidation, isolation or stalking. Several program define emotional domestic violence from verbal to physical abuse. The discovery we tend to created is that the key to a successful outcome with abusive relationships is recognizing the psychopathologyRead MoreStress And Its Effects On Stress1674 Words  | 7 Pageshas long list of side effects to be aware of. Emotional and psychological abuse is stress and it is very much chronic in nature. There is much talk about physical abuse in the news and media. Kids being beat by their parents and family members and other students. Physical abuse has usually been associated with bullying in schools where actual physical contact is being made. But, more recently there has been awareness to emotional bullying and abuse. Celebrities running anti-bullying campaigns andRead MoreLooking at Types of Child Abuse1768 Words  | 7 Pagesin their childhood, without worrying about any problems going on in the world or in his/her parents lives. Child abuse has been happening worldwide for many years and still is. For this reason, the desire to prevent this issue can be realized through the aid of organizations such as CAPA (Child Abuse Prevention Association) as well as through the awareness of the education system. What most people realize, is that this issue has been kept hidden from the government as well as from the public. OneRead MoreChild Abuse And Its Effects On Children1227 Word s  | 5 Pagesof child abuse are made involving more than 6 million children. The United States has one of the worst records of child abuse losing 4-7 children a day to the abuse. Abuse is when any behavior or action that is used to scare, harm, threaten, control or intimidate another person. Child abuse is a behavior outside the norms of conduct and entails substantial risk of causing physical or emotional harm. There are four main types of child abuse; physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, and neglectRead MoreHave You Ever Been Told That You Are Stupid, Ugly, Or Lazy?Have1310 Words  | 6 Pagesor useless? Sure, these words may sting a little, but what if your boyfriend of girlfriend called you these terms? Verbal abuse is just as damaging as physical abuse. Emotional abuse results in mental distress, physical manifestations and feeling of low self-worth. This topic may pertain to you or someone you know, or it may not. By reading what I have to say, my hop e is that others may be able to spot and point out signs of verbal abuse. You might be able to give someone advice and help themRead MoreInternal Scars Of A Child1260 Words  | 6 Pagesa form of abuse. She thought because he never hit her there was no help for her. This is a hypothetical example of nightmare many children face at know as emotional abuse. Emotional abuse is defined as any act of confinement isolation, verbal assault, humiliation, intimidation, or other treatment that may diminish sense of self identity, dignity or worth (Tracy). In regards to an educational setting an educator needs to know the signs of emotional abuse, how to report emotional abuse in a school
Friday, May 15, 2020
The Multicultural Self Assessment And Gain An...
Journal: Multicultural Awareness The purpose of this paper is to examine oneself by taking the Multicultural-Self Assessment and gain an understanding about the â€Å"Other†of oneself based on previous experience. This paper will also cover a type of human development this writer identifies with and how they to relate to the field of mental health counseling. These topics will assist one in connecting with clients from different cultures. Multicultural Self-Assessment The findings of the Multicultural Self-Assessment were not unexpected to me. Nine of the answers were four (4), which is not expected to me due to being taught by my mother and grandmother to not to talk too much and listen to other people. I was also taught to not judge â€Å"Others†based on who they are, what they have, or what they say. I avoided judging other people because I did not want to be judged in the same manner. The five questions I answered with a five (5) were not ones I had to think hard about. I do not assume anything in any situation to avoid looking like a donkey. I go out the majority of time to watch people interact with each other and find humor in what is taking place. I like to hear all sides of an issue in order to make a good decision, regardless of outcome. I am mindful of the impact my upbringing and education (In school and out of school) have on my values and beliefs. I am aware of what I say to avoid offending oth er people. The only question I answered a three (3) was based on myShow MoreRelatedReasons For Asian High School Students782 Words  | 4 Pagesmerit-based financial aid in comparison to students who comes from middle to higher-income families. The second reason is because of their ethnicity. Which is why it is vital for school counselor to be multicultural competence and promote higher education for the Asian community. Within the Asian community, Hmong students are â€Å"among the poorest students, poorer than other immigrant and refugee students in the American educational system (Vang, 2005; as cited by Siu, 1996; Vang, 1999; Vang; 2001). AccordingRead MoreDiversity, Racial, And Cultural Factors1277 Words  | 6 Pages Multicultural competence is defined as acquiring the essential skills in order to interact successful with individuals of diverse cultural or ethnic backgrounds (Holcomb- Mc Coy Myers, 1999). Multicultural competency in counseling helps clinicians diminish the deeply rooted assumptions of a particular group and enables them understand their own values and gain a better perspective and empathy to successfully respond towards the needs of diverse populations. Clinicians are able to learn and recognizeRead MoreReview For Enhancing Cultural Competency1559 Words  | 7 Pagesreview will provide the critical analysis to enhance cultural competency in new nursing graduates. The paper will focus on the data reduction, data display and data comparison to the selected studies. In addition, write-up will substantiate new understanding of improving cultural competency in nursing practice. The paper will outline the implications to nursing practice, research and policy initiatives, and limitations of the review. RESULTS To discuss the result of the integrative review, studiesRead MoreThe Self Assessment Tool Is The Best Learning System For Managing Diverse Societies1114 Words  | 5 Pagesyou must reference the self-assessment tool. My childhood consisted of two significant moves across the states. Born and raised in southern Florida till I was eight, I was not very exposed to much diversity until moving to California, at age 8 to 15 years old, where I was exposed to mass amounts of diversity and culture. In completing this self-assessment survey, I learned a great deal about myself and the ability to bring to light my strengths and challenges in multicultural awareness and becomingRead MoreCultural Diversity And Goal Setting1632 Words  | 7 PagesCONCEPTUALIZING COUNSELING SELF-AWARENESS Michelle Boyd EDUC515 Helping Relationships American Public University System Dr. Susan Foster Ebbs January 25, 2015â€Æ' Cultural Diversity and Goal Setting Oregon, a 10th grade female Nigerian student has transferred to a new school and is displaying problems adapting to her new environment. Oregon and her family have been living in the United States in the same community for the last five years, and have recently relocated to better community. Oregon feels lostRead MoreEssay about Dr. James Banks on Multicultural Education1050 Words  | 5 Pagessociety. Dr. James A. Banks defines the meaning of multicultural education and its potential impact on society when it is truly integrated into American classrooms. In his lecture, Democracy, Diversity and Social Justice: Education in a Global Age, Banks (2006) defines the five dimensions of multicultural education that serve as a guide to school reform when trying to implement multicultural education (Banks 2010). The goal of multicultural education is to encourage students to value their ownRead MoreCultural Competency For A Nursing1619 Words  | 7 Pagescritical analysis for enh ancing cultural competency in new nursing graduates. The paper will focus the data reduction, data display and data comparison to the selected studies. The results will substantiate the contribution of the review to a new understanding of improving cultural competency in nursing practice. The implications of the review to nursing practice, research and policy initiatives will also be highlighted. RESULTS The studies carefully chosen for the review consist of articles that employedRead MoreLessons Plans Promoting a Diverse Learning Environment974 Words  | 4 Pages With the concept of multicultural education programs becoming more popular, educators are seeking new ways to present diversity into their school community, classrooms, and lesson plans. According to Birkel (2000), multicultural education is, first of all, education concerned with the teaching/learning processes and the acceptance and appreciation of diversity. Culturally relevant teaching practices give students the opportunity to learn in ways that are affirming, validating, and connectedRead MoreMulticultural Education : Characteristics And Goals1434 Words  | 6 PagesAs James A. Banks describes in his book Multicultural Education: Characteristics and Goals, multicultural education is the idea behind creating equal educational opportunities for all students, independently of their race, ethnicity, or social-c lass. It is an important influencing factor of the school environment that reflects the diverse cultural groups of its community. Multicultural education is also the process teachers and administrators follow in order to achieve the ideal of equal educationRead MoreThe Role of a Community Counselor1735 Words  | 7 PagesThe Role of a Community Counselor Donte Love Abstract The purpose of this paper is to address the role and function of the community counselor. Additionally, the framework of the community counseling model is taken into account, including some of the strategies used in community counseling. The Role of a Community Counselor Community counseling can be defined as â€Å"†¦a comprehensive helping framework that is grounded in multicultural competence and oriented toward social justice (Lewis, Lewis
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Assignment #1 Health Information - 1661 Words
1 Running Head: Information Technologies Applications Information Technologies Applications Haya Zeidan Strayer University HSA 315 Dr. MOUNTASSER KADRIE Assignment #1 April 26, 2011 Information Technologies Applications 2 Abstract The information Technologies Applications is widely used nowadays. Information technology (IT) has the potential to improve the quality, safety, and efficiency of health care. But before everything we should increasing our understanding of the information technologies in the health care. Also, we should understand what types of (IT) applications are most useful for improving health care? In this paper I will compares†¦show more content†¦The system can remind providers to offer the service during routine visits and remind patients to schedule care. Reminders to patients generated by EMR systems have been shown to increase patients’ compliance with preventive care recommendations when the reminders 5 are merely interjected into traditional outpatient workflows. This system helps in disease management and preventive services. It provides very vital information like patients without an exam for certain time, patient with certain levels BP, patients who are taking a certain class of medication, patients who are suffering from a certain type of disease, screening and immunization information, Lab tests Results, etc. This is a complete DB driven system and user can create any rule that she wants on any of the modules in the EMR and he will be alerted for the same. -HER: its Improve clinical processes or workflow efficiency, Improve quality of care and Improve clinical documentation to support appropriate billing service levels. Share patient information among health care practitioners and professionals. Reduce medical errors (improve patient safety). Establish a more efficient and effective information infrastructure as a competitive advantage. Also, it is can Share patient information among health care practitioners and professionals. Improve clinical documentation to support appropriate billing service levels. -E- prescribing: Improved patient safety and overall quality of care.Show MoreRelatedHlt 314v Week 1 Complete Assignment and Dqs1189 Words  | 5 PagesHLT 314V WEEK 1 COMPLETE ASSIGNMENT AND DQS To Purchase this tutorial visit following link: http://wiseamerican.us/product/hlt-314v-week-1-complete-assignment-and-dqs/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@WISEAMERICAN.US HLT 314V WEEK 1 DISCUSSION 1 Select an allied health care profession and provide a description of the jobs and services provided by that profession. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Treasury Dealing Live Marketing Strategies And Conditions - Sample
Question: Discuss about the Treasury Dealing Live Marketing Strategies And Conditions. Answer: Introduction Now days treasury dealings have become more automated that banks and other funds provider have discovered new systems using the technology such as internet platforms to conduct business. Despite the use of this technology it is more important to conduct review since most of the deals will be conducted automatically(Ferrell, 2013). There are many risks associated with treasury dealing and the major requirements that should be dealt with or else should be eliminated. The aspects of the treasure dealing are to promote solutions and making banking processes to be more efficient with less human intervention. Multi banks portals are common ideas in such portals offering of trades on bond with certain of in search scenarios I certain that portals will be successful in long term hence this portal should expand and accommodate new products in the market(Venkatesh Shankar, 2012). On the other hand, an increase of the speed does not eliminate the risk of the error since an increase of the transaction speed reduces the duration to detect normally and errors that may arise while carrying out transactions. Given such growth rate, it is well known these developments is more that treasure will offer ability to transact most of the work online. These portals will impose a different risk on the corporate treasury as compared to current methods and hence this risk should be managed. One of the hazardous of the automation processes is that assumption nothing have gone wrong and yet automation increases the risk of associated to the treasury(Fifield, 2012 ). Value of transaction Combined with other factors the transaction being done gives more burdens on the systems corresponding dealing with these matters. Some of the deals have the potential to significant problems and should contemporary fails to settle. A change in the price offers a particular transaction and can be the principal amount which is big. Significant assessment is required in order to value transaction whilst already are issues to be faced on. Bankers should ensure that systems are set up in such a way they can process while dealing with knowledge and authorization(Kingsnorth, 2016). Speed With automated dealing systems will enhance the speed of which can be agreed upon to either confirm or settles. The majority of these portals increases the speed at every given quotation which is confirmed and settled. Advantages of the technology it promotes and provides efficiency gains towards many drives of the speed at which are dealt with(Handlechner, -2008 ). On the other hand, an increase of the speed does not eliminate the risk of the error since an increase of the transaction speed reduces the duration to detect normally and errors that may arise while carrying out transactions. Bankers should develop a system that will distinguish in an initiation of dealing and checking, verification and authorization and conformity. Thus automation should lead to efficiency gains by speeding up the processes and also have a gaining hand in achieving amalgamating of the steps(Isobel Doole, 2008 ). Fraud An increase of automation is actually seen as an advantage by such as reducing the time and cost in associating to manual processing which includes errors that arise during entering of the data from one process to the other and since manual does not allow any chance of addition of checking the originals entry on the original deals(V. Kasturi Rangan, 2015). Automation hence increases both potential opportunities of fraudulent in the case where it will be hard to detect, the majority of the company losses loss from fraud from either from employees in the company who intimate knowledge of the internal process. Automation makes fraudulent transactions easier to performed and harder to detect. The fraudster is less reliant and compliance from other manual operations and processing which are reduced and the fraudster may realise the limit under which transaction are not always automatically checked or either fake fraudster who may allocate such trading limits to the business. Others who have gained value from person contacts such as picking of the telephones call may as well be present on online messaging from unknown recipients(Paley, 2007 ). The frequent user of the system will realise the weakness of the system and thus considered as the fraud in order to adhere to this one have to break the system by understanding how it works while including the systems experts(Smith, 2010). Staff reductions One of the best issues on the systems is that the increased use of technology and efficiency improvements will treasury reduces the hand count which is seen as unqualified advantages which can results to problems by trying to ensure that effective controls are made in the treasury. In a small treasury is not easy to segregate assignments in such a way to ensure that deals are initially checked well particularly when the staff are not within. It advisable to use non-treasury staffs to do most of the administrative work such reconciliations and confirmation(Sarah A. Schweitzer, 2015 ). Shift on same day trading and settlements One of the major improved technologies is to move towards the same day trading and settlements in foreign exchange market which areas well as another market at the same time agreeing to deals which are settling and reducing in order to discover any anomalies. If any problem on the same arises one will have less time to arrange on an alternative deal while the settlements take places on forwarding value basis(O.C. Ferrell, 2014). On the foreign exchange, the initiation of continuously linked settlements should be deployed to eliminate settlement risk more so give solutions which counterparty fails to resolves. If a problem persists on the same day one will have less time to arrange the alternative schedule and the settlement will be taken on the next valued bases. The data will enable more action to be carried out if the counterparty fails to stir up hence proactive steps should be taken in order to ensure transactions are matched and expected(Hill, 2012 ). An increase of time critical payments A system becomes more proactive and sophisticated since one the possibility and the subsequent of the requirements in order to make day to day payments. Treasury has to meet the cut-off times in the national payments and the overnight investments such as money markets. Opening of various financial market with fractions systems will show that treasure have more flexibility on nights deposits while it reflect a risk as well in such scenario where cut off are to be made it becomes more tricky and movement towards global transactions and hence the treasure will have to manage double cut off times on a different payment systems with the same currency. An increase is what results to additional of the complexity of the decision-making that needs to be made by the treasury(Schlegelmilch, 2016). Luck of personal contact Most treasure will stagnate or be reluctant in migrating to automated dealing systems since they derive values on the opportunity discussed proposing transactions with banks leaders this could be on the particular issue on the small treasury if for instance if it will not have an opportunity to negotiate on the facts about the collogues. The majority of the portals do not have chat platforms with both parties when there is a rising query or them there is the reassurance of sought they only offer aggregated research given by the members which can result in saving time when seeking data to enter into projects(Paley, 2007 ). This is a partially way of dealing with clients, even though most portals have replicated services which ware offered in traditional means. Others who have gained value from person contacts such as picking off the telephones call may as well be present on online messaging from unknown recipients(Kingsnorth, Digital Marketing Strategy, 2016). Controls and procedures to be introduced As the mandate of treasury strategy, they should be a series of explanations which defines the treasure dealing processing. They are four major stages while dealing with the treasure which needs to be addressed that is the initiation of the deal, seeking of the quotation, confirmation of an agreed deal, reconciliation of deals and finally settlements. To enable reducing the risk named above they are key are issued needs to be addressed; 1. Segregation of duties In the responsibility of segregating of the responsibility, thy are four key stages to be performed which may be a challenge to small treasure where there is insufficient staffs who are allowed to be set up most of these problems can be overcome by giving some of the responsibility to individuals outside treasury(Kingsnorth, 2016). A good example is when afinance director requires authorising big deals with generalfinance functions that could be in positions of reconciliation. This advisable duty should be segregated according to the person who understands the processing well. 2. Initiations of deals The dealing procedures include explained rules that ensure that one seeks one competitive quotation. This portal helps to meet the need of most quotes and give documentation which has done. 3. Securities This in particular deals with physical access to the systems which should be controlled by inputting strong passwords or either using smart cards. Users are prompted to log off after a short manipulation of the accounts thus ensuring that persons cannot tamper with other accounts where every user account can be audited by reviewing the records(Paley, 2007 ). Systems should be protected from outside interference by either of using updated firewalls to protect systems which are at great risk. Ensuring that all instruction being transmitted within is confidential that is they are encrypted and authenticated and while received they are unchanged(Paley, 2007 ). 4. Confirmations In a particular where deals are accomplished through automatic response and agreed the risk of error is minimised and heightened thus care should be taken in ensuring that limits apply in automatic transactions while any deals that bleach the deal is noted. All performed deals should be exposed to functional checking process this will enhance noting of any internal fraud which may results in syphon of small activities hence uncovering errors which are built in the systems(Schlegelmilch, 2016). 5. Documentation of deals Though the hard copy of deals and confirmation shall not duly be produced by any automated system thus it remains imperatives in dealing with adequately documented while those documents are stored safely and secure to enhance auditing in case needed(Ferrell, 2013). 6. Need of change limits They are a number of reason of charging limits on is if the counterparty may change in the exposure to the counterparty hence the counterparty rating goes on regular processing thus well initial may not stay as well credit. On the other side is people dealing with the warrants can increase dealings limits in such cases of promotion or training. In any reason behind the need of the change if required it reflects any change require authorization from most figures(Fifield, 2012 ). 7. Exposure limits Systems should be designed in a way that they prevent break of the exposure limits set down the treasury policy or in response immediately and flags them for actions this may include counterparty exposure limits and other financial instruments ensuring balanced portfolio and the horizon(Kingsnorth, Digital Marketing Strategy, 2016). 8. Link to other systems It is well acknowledge that other systems will be integrated into the systems within the company often as part of treasury management systems and the checked programmed in the entire systems and the access to such systems in particular electronic banking modules should also be in controlled in the same way as dealing with the systems hence protecting from the fraudster and ensure well audit can be followed(Hill, 2012 ). Live marketing conditions and making strategies and make profit This is a marketing strategy that directly engages consumers while inviting them and encouraging them of new products and brands experiences rather than checking for consumers as if they have received information about the product. This kind of marketing is believed to involve both consumers and the producers during the production of a product and hence the creation of marketing programs while developing relationships with the brand(Hill, 2012 ). It is well known that two-thirds of b2b marketers recommend live marketing since its the most effective mode of marketing. They are ways to create a live marketing strategy before the live event took place pre happening and after happening. Relationship creation with the consumers is core factor of using live marketing; it is a critical for the marketers to keep the interest of the customer in focus(Stauble, 2012). Engaging the consumers early often it will take the pulse of brand loyalty while selecting issues which can be expressed to customers. A marketer should create touching point to be addressed to consumers thus creating awareness using such media streams such as videos and social media sharing content(Paley, 2007 ). By considering at disposal of content, most forms of communication are off limits when its come to planning live marketing. As marketer one should focus on capturing the immediacy and overwhelming joy of the consumers. A marketer should not only be restricted to previous or traditional marketing channels they should focus on another platform as such viral videos, webinars and testimonials since the more the diverse creative the more the content will be likely to attract more consumers(Fifield, 2012 ). Marketers should be in the position to pivot based on the metrics such great deals to reflect on the social proof analyzing If the audience is participating on the social post. Using social media channels are the best on getting real updates in such areas such hashtags where the audience are most excited about the implantation of the particular product in the market. This step is most important since it happens before marketing process has started(Alok Bansal, 2015 ). References Alok Bansal, . P. (2015 ). Quality Management Practices for Global Excellence. 456. Fifield, P. (2012 ). Marketing Strategy. Handlechner, M. (-2008 ). Marketing Strategy. Hill, M. E. ( 2012 ). Marketing Strategy: . The Thinking Involved, 319. Isobel Doole, . L. (2008 ). International Marketing Strategy. Kingsnorth, S. ( 2016). Digital Marketing Strategy. An Integrated Approach to Online Marketing. Kingsnorth, S. (2016). An Integrated Approach to Online Marketing. C. Ferrell, . H. (2013 ). Marketing Strategy, Text and Cases. O.C. Ferrell, . N. (2014). Marketing Principles. Paley, N. ( 2007 ). The Marketing Strategy Desktop Guide. Sarah A. Schweitzer, P. ( 2015 ). A Numerology Book To Treasure. Schlegelmilch, B. B. (2016). Global Marketing Strategy. : An Executive Digest , 61. Smith, M. C. (2010). Pharmaceutical Marketing: Strategy and Cases. Stauble, V. R. ( 2012). Marketing Strategy. A Global Perspective. Kasturi Rangan, . P. (2015). Business marketing strategy. Venkatesh Shankar, . S. ( 2012). Handbook of Marketing Strategy
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