Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Assignment #1 Health Information - 1661 Words
1 Running Head: Information Technologies Applications Information Technologies Applications Haya Zeidan Strayer University HSA 315 Dr. MOUNTASSER KADRIE Assignment #1 April 26, 2011 Information Technologies Applications 2 Abstract The information Technologies Applications is widely used nowadays. Information technology (IT) has the potential to improve the quality, safety, and efficiency of health care. But before everything we should increasing our understanding of the information technologies in the health care. Also, we should understand what types of (IT) applications are most useful for improving health care? In this paper I will compares†¦show more content†¦The system can remind providers to offer the service during routine visits and remind patients to schedule care. Reminders to patients generated by EMR systems have been shown to increase patients’ compliance with preventive care recommendations when the reminders 5 are merely interjected into traditional outpatient workflows. This system helps in disease management and preventive services. It provides very vital information like patients without an exam for certain time, patient with certain levels BP, patients who are taking a certain class of medication, patients who are suffering from a certain type of disease, screening and immunization information, Lab tests Results, etc. This is a complete DB driven system and user can create any rule that she wants on any of the modules in the EMR and he will be alerted for the same. -HER: its Improve clinical processes or workflow efficiency, Improve quality of care and Improve clinical documentation to support appropriate billing service levels. Share patient information among health care practitioners and professionals. Reduce medical errors (improve patient safety). Establish a more efficient and effective information infrastructure as a competitive advantage. Also, it is can Share patient information among health care practitioners and professionals. Improve clinical documentation to support appropriate billing service levels. -E- prescribing: Improved patient safety and overall quality of care.Show MoreRelatedHlt 314v Week 1 Complete Assignment and Dqs1189 Words  | 5 PagesHLT 314V WEEK 1 COMPLETE ASSIGNMENT AND DQS To Purchase this tutorial visit following link: Contact us at: SUPPORT@WISEAMERICAN.US HLT 314V WEEK 1 DISCUSSION 1 Select an allied health care profession and provide a description of the jobs and services provided by that profession. 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